Perancangan Kawasan Wisata Dan Edukasi Pangan Sayuran Ramah Lingkungan Di Cipanas


  • Rendy Dwi Prayogo Universitas Budiluhur
  • Anggraeni Dyah Sulistiowati


Wisata Edukasi Pangan, Arsitektur Ramah Lingkungan


                 Indonesia is a country rich in natural potential and food diversity. Located in area not far from the peak. Cipanas area has good potential to be developed as domestic and foreign tourism. But unfortunately there is rarely a tour that teaches about education in the potential of the region in Cipanas

                Over time, the number of tourists from outside the Cipanas area is increasing and in need of a tourist area which as a place of recreation while getting education or information. From processing the potential of food and one of the solutions to further optimize existing tourism potentials and be able to provide tourist attractions as well as places of education.





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